Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
And that will be the ball game

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
James Venter muscles over from close range

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Did the Sharks get it down? TMO will have a look

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Pick and drives just short

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Williams has a snipe himself

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Sharks look to set the drive 5m out

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Sharks in over the ball win the penalty for holding on, Bosch sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Stolen lineout Ospreys

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
Holding on and the Sharks win the penalty, Bosch sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby
Dec 12
That should do it for the Sharks as Walsh restarts and the Ospreys have it back