Stade francais merde ne jone pas comme uae equipe ils sont u tas individus a beoucoup paye' et tre'stre's lis ne jounet pas comme une e'quipe mal. Coach aucun je de tigre Ils ne sent pass asssez bons 14 ligue

La Rochelle run out 37-18 home winners over Stade Francais. La Rochelle led 19-10 at the break and ran in two more tries in the second half to seal a comfortable victory.

Into touch and that will be the ball game

Time up on the clock as the siren sounds

Genia spills it forward, scrum to La Rochelle

Final minute of the match as La Rochelle clear to touch

Grubber through is touch in goal, Stade restart with a 22 drop out

La Rochelle just 5m out
Great to see La Rochelle doing so well!

La Rochelle maul and win another penalty which James kicks into the corner