Wales finishing the stronger in this, in possession after the hooter has gone but, its a case of too little too late as Rasta Rashivenghe blow his whistle to end the match. Fiji victorious , and get their tournament off to a winning start

Wales manage to hold onto the ball and committed themselves to creating the chance for Tom Williams to score the try in the corner. Was a clever little jink that got his man beat on the outside by the Welsh player

Scrappy passage of play comes to an end as Wales are now given an opportunity to create something off the back of an attacking scrum

Fiji with the quick tap off the penalty run the ball and manage to create some space for Kutatani , running a beautiful line, to break the Welsh defense to run in for the try under the sticks

Fiji with the pick up and go with Viriviri almost running the length of the field only to be tackled five meters out by the Welsh defense

Fiji applying the pressure early on in the second half.

Fiji to get the second half underway, still a man short

Some poor defense from Wales allows the six men of Fijij to string a number of passes together and in the end the Fijian skipper canters over for the try putting his side in the lead. Half time now

Rasta Rashivenghe not taking any nonsense after awarding the penalty to Wales. A Fijian player may have said something , and has found himself on the naughty chair for two minutes. Wales now with the man advantage.

Again Fiji make a mess of the restart , allowing Wales to regain possession. However the Fijians manage to turn over the possession and launch a devastating counter attack resulting in Viriviri powering his way over to level the score at five a piece