Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Terrible line out

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Utah ignore the 3 points which would give them the losing BP and they kick to touch to try score a 7 pointer

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
The hooter sounds as the Warriors attack but win a penalty

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
40 seconds to play

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Lauti unbelievable out wide as he makes it out a few tackles and then steps the 2nd last man to set up the try

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Austin penalty straight from the restart

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
4m out

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Utah run it into the Elite 22

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Utah take them into touch

Ultimate Rugby
Jun 6
Same again for Austin as Wannenberg takes it up but the Elite do not clear and they try to run it out