Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

White wraps up Pienaar around the neck and gifts Ulster with a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wilson has a look down the blindside, but quickly shifts the ball to Pienaar who fires to his backline

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Knocked forward - Ulster scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Pienaar feeds McCloskey and collects on the wrap-around. He then fires to Olding

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum Ulster

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Accidental obstruction - Davies crossing

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Ball shifted to Screech and then Hewitt

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Robbed in midfield by Dragons

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Ulster, Screech flopping over a breakdown - Pienaar to touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Meyer dots down after a relentless Dragon attacking phase, profiting from some terrific dummy lines and flopping over untouched.