The ref allows one last movement after kickoff, but Toulon knock it on from the kickoff. The ref blows the final whistle - fulltime.
Seconds remaining in the match as the kick is lined up.
Penalty to Toulon, they opt to take the 3 points and in hope of securing a losing bonus-point.
Less than 2 minutes remaining. Tuisova makes another break though the midfield, he has had a fantastic match.
Concussion test
Tuisova makes a brilliant break and offload to Delon Armitage. Armitage takes a very hard knock on the head while being tackled and looked as though he was knocked out cold for a short period.
Toulon have a scrum on halfway, they are still down to 14 men.
Toulon need to score twice to steal a victory with 5 minutes remaining.
Scrum penalty
Racing will have an opportunity to extend their lead.