Full Time Score 34-7 to Northland!

Bond goes over for the bonus point try after a turnover by Northland and some quick hands sends the forward over just next to the poles

Hawke's Bay in possession and look to attack from deep

Hawke's Bay knock on again and Northland will have one final attempt to get that bonus point

Knock on by Northland, scrum Hawke's Bay on their 5m line

Northland receive the penalty and quick tapped again and they reach for the base of the post and it looks like a knock on by Northland reaching for the line, TMO will decide try or no try...

Hawkins quick taps and plays, Northland keep going

Penalty to Northland after a couple of turnovers by both teams

Northland lose the ball forward and Hawke's Bay attempt to counter attack and clear

Northland attacking well and get over the line but held up, 5m scrum to Northland