Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Agen kick into touch to end the misery

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Heriteau with a well timed inside pass to Vaka who passes quickly back to him to score. Nice try

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty to Agen on half way. Kick goes into the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Straight from the lineout, Regard runs a flat line and gets a well timed pass before using his power to get over

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lyon send a long kick into the Agen 22m

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Some hand bags have halted play. Referee wants a word

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Agen with a great opportunity, some good hands gets them up to half way but the final pass is forward

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lyon up to half way again. Lambey with a linebreak

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

A good driving maul was brought down, Cretin gets the ball and is helped over the line by Lambey

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Lamoulie gets quick ball, gives a quick show & go before going over to score