Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty Rochelle for offside, 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

3m out are Rochelle

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Rochelle maul it towards the line but stopped well by Lyon

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Rochelle lineout on Lyon 5m line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Turnover is good and Rochelle get the penalty for playing the ball on the floor

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Clearance is good by Rochelle, lineout Lyon on Rochelle 10m line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Rochelle really opening up in this second half and ripping Lyon to shredds

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty kicked down field and the brilliance on the winger chases it down and picks it up inside the Lyon 22 and puts the ball down over the try line! Great try!!!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Pushed back now are Lyon and penalty Rochelle for diving into the ruck, justly rewarded

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Maul set up again and same result, stopped just before the line