Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Cheetahs also receive the bonus point and will look to continue further in this Currie Cup

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Final whistle is blown and Cheetahs kick the ball out, winning 43-20 at their home park

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Big scrum by Cheetahs and Bulls find territory, Cheetahs return and get a penalty for not rolling away

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Knock on and scrum Bulls

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Darting run by Cheetahs scrum half, entering 22m line

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Cheetahs have possession inside Bulls half

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Bulls struggling 5m out of their own line

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Superb kick by Blommetjies into the Bulls corner and pressure back on the Bulls

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
Good defense and kick over but kicked back by Cheetahs

Ultimate Rugby
Aug 8
And keep possession now entering 22m line