Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Another penalty to Chile as a bit of a scuffle breaks out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Untidy lineout but Chile have it

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty for Chile for the tackler not rolling away, Fernandez sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Sanchez clears, Ayarza puts it high and Arg lose it forward

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Arg kick ahead, Ayarza has a run and then finds Garafulic who kicks ahead

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Bonus point try for Arg as Fernandez restarts

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Bogado breaks the line and races away before stepping the final defender to fly in

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Out to Imhoff down the left

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Box kick from Cubelli and Arg regather

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Out to Isgro on the right and he offloads inside