Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Brilliant line run from de la Fuente as he breaks and charges to just short of the line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Chile collapsed the maul, penalty Arg and Sanchez finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Arg look to maul

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

In touch for an Arg throw

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Counter ruck and Chile have it with Saavedra

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Cut out pass from Sanchez to Imhoff on the left as Arg look to run from deep

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

No try, the pass back to Bohme was forward, scrum Arg

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

TMO having a look for a forward pass

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Set move at the lineout back to Bohme who powers over in the left hand corner

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Fernandez sets up an attacking lineout