6 Nations
Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Full Time and Wales have been outclassed in the second half. They have failed to break France's winning streak. Full time score is 27-0. Thanks for staying with Ultimate Rugby.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The french strike again and this time Marion Lievre scores in the corner. The kick is not successful however.27-0.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A successful Agricole conversions makes it 22-0.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

TRY FRANCE!! Centre Shanon Izar goes over for Frances' 3rd try of the afternoon.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Wales are running out of time here with 5 minutes left they still trail 15-0.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

TRY FRANCE!!! Agricole gets her sides second try. She fails to convert and France lead 15-0. Wales have it all to do as we enter the final quarter.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

France get the first try of the afternoon with Assa Koita going over after phase play on Wales' try line. Sandrine Agricole converts. 0-10 for the visitors.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The second half is underway.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Half time and France lead despite Wales dominating large periods of the half. The penalty count is big so this game may come down to place kicking. Stay with us for more updates.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

France get the opening score just before half time. Sandrine Agricole slots a penalty from 30 meters out. A great effort from the out half.