Ulster win a penalty just inside the half. Lowry looks for the corner and makes a complete mess of the kick as it goes dead. That sums up Ulster today

Lebel takes it down the Wing but Ulster pick up the loose ball

Scrum called and this should be the last play of the game

Penalty to Toulouse as Ulster caught collapsing the lineout on the 10m

Cooney goes back to pick up a loose ball from the lineout. Hume then knocks on

Ulster win a penalty on their 10m. They find touch just outside the 22m

Toulouse break from deep after a loose ball is picked up. Bales takes it up to the 22m and looks for the inside pass but Cooney is back to intercept and play Lyttle down the wing

Toulouse kick into the 22m

Lowry finds touch on the Toulouse 10m

Ulster win the lineout and win a penalty at the breakdown