Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

After plenty of phases by Manawatu. Northland turn over on their 10m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Northland turn over and clear

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Held up on the 5m.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9
Kara Pryor with the pace!
Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Penalty to Manawatu. Kick to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Manawatu send it left and are up to the 5m, but frustratingly they knock on

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Malcolm kicks to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Manawatu win a penalty after the restart on half way

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Northland are up quickly, Wright intercepts on the bounce and offloads to Pryor who shows his speed to score a 90m try in the corner. Out of nothing!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

TMO having a look at a potential try to Northland