Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Another penalty on the 5m. Results in a yellow card

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Just short of the line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Offside. Penalty Northland. They kick to the corner

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Kick finds the 22m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Massive scrum from Northland. They get the penalty

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Scrum Manawatu on the 10m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Northland with a fantastic break up the middle after the ball fell loose. Some slick inter passing, but they give away a penalty on Manawatu's tryline

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Debreczeni finds touch up to the 10m

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Immediately from restart, Booth breaks through midfield. Tackled in the 22m. But Manawatu then give away a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Northland kick into behind the defense but Gregory wins it and links in field, they work up to the 22m and get a penalty