Exeter finish top of the Premiership table.

Time is up as Jack Munder boots the ball into touch.

Chiefs look to run down the clock with only a few seconds remaining.

Naiyanavoro manages to carry strong. Ball lost forward as Chiefs opt to run it out their 22 once more.

Ball lost forward, Chiefs run from behind their try-line and exit their 22. The ball is eventually bundled into touch.

Penalty Saints! Grayson kicks to the corner. Bonus point try might be very valuable at the end of today´s fixtures.

Saints with an attacking opportunity from the scrum as Chiefs lose the ball forward.

Cowan-Dickie picks the ball from the base of the ruck and there is no stopping the big-man from their.

Chiefs go 1m out.

Some good tactical kicking from the Chiefs have pinned the Saints in their 22.