Referee having a word with both sets of front rows.
After some exchanging of phases, Ferns restart us with a scrum on the halfway.
Referee deems Thompson touched it down first and we restart with a 22.
Ferns spread the ball well and try a crossfield, Thompson and Wickcliffe race for it.
The ball is brought back as a chase runner was ahead of the kicker, Black Ferns with a lineout in the Roses 22.
A grubber kick through doesn't pull off and England set up to kick.
Black Ferns work their way into the Roses 22.
Black Ferns maul again off the back of the lineout, the first real attack they've had in the game.
They maul off the lineout and earn another penalty for side entry, again Brazier sends it up the touchline.
Black Fern defence holds strong and earn themselves a penalty, Brazier sends it up the line.