Huge Physicality from the Visitors really making there presence felt in the contact area.
Black Ferns running the ball well here.
Pocock leaves the field with the Black Ferns in possession inside their own 22.
Pocock receiving some attention here, Referee calls time off.
A slick back move from Red Roses puts Waterman in for a certain try but the last pass just doesn't stick and is knocked on.
Ferns knock it on off the back of the scrum, Roses with a scrum mid field on the Ferns 22.
England work there way into the Ferns 22 but a knock on gifts the Ferns a scrum.
Red Roses looking to build something from the halfway.
Penalties hurting both sides at the moment.
Ferns win the contest earning a penalty at the scrum and kicking to the Roses 22, Smith rejoins the field.