Great kick by the young out half but Connacht give away a penaty straight from kick off. Newcastle will attempt to claw back the lead.
Healy kicks long and an even better chase as the Falcons are caught holding on. Carty will attempt the long distance shot at goal.
Knock on and Connacht clear down the field.
Newcastle win the penalty after Connacht's first phase. Newcastle kick down the line and have the lineout.
Knock on by Parata as Connacht tried to spread the ball. Falcons gather and clear.
Into the 22 now 15 meters out.
O' Brien gets over the ball well and wins the penalty. Carty kicks into the Falcons half.
Newcastle ball now inside the Connacht half.
We are back underway as the Falcons kick us off.
Well done carty. In form of his life. 3 penalties in a row