Try Connacht! Eoin Mc Keon!
Munster not rolling away and Connacht win a penalty. Connacht go into the corner.
Connacht turnover the ball and a huge kick downfield from Miah Nikora which finds touch in the Munster 22.
Connacht pushing forward but Munster win a penalty as Eoin Mc Keon is holding on at the ruck. Munster put it into touch.
Well we were wrong. No try. Connacht 5 metre scrum.
CJ Stander looks to have got it down. Tough one but it should be awarded.
Gone to the TMO as Munster are over the line. Ref wants to check if the ball was knocked on during the grounding.
Munster win a penalty as Rodney Ah You collapses. Keatley puts the ball back into the corner.
Lineout isn't straight so it gives Connacht the chance to clear.
Munster go into the corner after they win a penalty at the lineout.