Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons make good headway as they pass the half way line, into host territory.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

No Mistake and he splits the sticks to make Connacht 8 points clear

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons don't roll away and Connacht are awarded a penalty. Leader points to the sticks once again from just inside the 10 metre line.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Brilliant team play sends the ball out wide to Adeolokun who slips it back inside to Mckeon who goes over for the 5

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Try Connacht!!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons try to kick to touch but Shane Layden collects it and makes ground

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

He Strikes the upright and its still level at zero a piece

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Denis Buckley impressive in the scrum and Connacht awarded the penalty. Darragh Leader points to the posts

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Connacht turnover the ball and it's Porter to feed the scrum just inside the Dragons half

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Connacht knock on in open play and it's scrum to Dragons just inside the halfway mark