Post match in Clermont.,. They know next week is not gonna be their day. Lovely folk tho'!

Less than two minutes left, Clermont have possession in in their own half.
Too many handling errors and line out hasn't worked since Strauss and toner came on....

10 mins to go, Clermont looking dangerous the few times they get possession. Leinster managing to hold on to most of the ball though.

15 mins left, Leinster are on top, marginally, with both teams showing incredible intensity at contact areas.

20 mins to go, and Clermont have grown into the second half, but the Leinster defence is holding strong.

Massive scrum from Leinster earns them a penalty, as Clermonts front row comes up.
Great scrum, what a push. Fitness could be the key to winning this!

Leinsters good start to the second half continues, 9 mins into the second half and Leinster turn down a kickable penalty to attempt another cross field kick which doesnt come off.