Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Ulster keep it tight

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Stewart peels off the maul

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Ulster look to maul 5m out

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
It was off Connacht to touch so Ulster have the throw 5m out

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Great run from Baloucoune who gets a great offload away to Vermeulen on the right and he goes for the corner but is taken to touch for a Connacht throw

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Holding on and Ulster win the penalty, Burns sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Cut out pass to Hansen on the left

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Box kick from Cooney, Connacht secure

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Just a two point ball game as Carty restarts

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Pick and go from O'Connor who sells the dummy and is over for the score