Marshall takes a gap and he gets ankle tapped just and as Canterbury goes of off side, Tasman gets a penalty and he is going to attempt a 57m kick.
Tasman has put points on the board before half time and after half time!
Canterbury holds onto the ball on the ground and penalty to Tasman in front of the poles.
Malneek runs from his own try line down the left touch and he gets stopped 5m's from the line. They put some phases together and Cowan goes over!
Shane Christie intercepts and he is clear, but the referee rules he is offside! he is n the 10m's before the line out was over.
Osborne gets the ball and just steps on the line as he tries to dance around a a Tasman player.
Banks kicks the restart straight out and Canterbury has a scrum in the middle of the field on the half way line.
Bird charges the kick down 5m's from Tasman's try line, he gathers the ball and they form a ruck but Tamsan steals the ball and kicks it away.
Tim Perry hurt his calf and he crawls to the bench as he is replaced.
Canterbury running it into Tasman's half, they puting phases together and Drummond kicks ahead into the try line are and Tasman touches down. It will be a 22m.