Bordeaux spread it wide to Connor from the lineout

Penalty to Bordeaux at the breakdown, Serin sets up the lineout

Huge hit by Bordeaux near halfway but Stade Francais retain possesion

End to end stuff as both sides look full of running

Strong carry by Kitshoff, it's lost and contact and Stade clear downfield

Kicked ahead by Bordeaux, Bonneval returns the favour

Bordeaux spread it wide using the width of the field but run out of room, taken into touch and Stade Francais will have the lineout

Scrum on midfield to Stade Francais but Bordeaux get the upper hand and win the penalty, they set up the lineout

Great work by Plisson through the halfgap, he gets the pass away to Bonneval who swings it out to Camara whose over in the corner

Lost forward and Bordeaux can counter, they chip ahead and swarm the breakdown but it's a penalty to Stade Francais