Plisson is looking to have a shot on goal.
Penalty awarded to Stade.
Aggressive counter-rucking from Stade turns the ball over. Camara breaks numerous tackles and works his way into the 22.
Plisson goes long with the 22 dropout and Clermont look to run the ball.
James' attempt on goal drifts right.
No sanctions are given but play goes back for a previous penalty.
The incident involves an off-the-ball challenge from Hugh Pyle on Abendanon.
Superb work from Ross on the ground forces the turnover. The referee stops play however on suspicion of foul play.
Plisson clears the ball but Clermont look threatening in attack. Excellent defence from Camara is enough to force Napolioni Nalaga into touch.
Miscommunication from Clermont forwards and the ball doesn't go to hand. They meanwhile concede the free kick.