Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
It went forward, scrum to Auckland just 5m out

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Thompson is charged down and Southland are under pressure

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Hickey restarts, 14 minutes to play

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Southland score with 13 men as Cowan snipes over from close range

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Penalty Southland for playing the ball on the ground, they elect to scrum just 5m out

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Can 13 man Southland get over, just 5m out

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Cowan spots a gap and gets his offload away

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Southland just 10m out now

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Great run by Thompson into the line evading a few defenders

Ultimate Rugby
Sep 9
Hickey grubbers through and he gets their first but toes it into touch, lineout to Southland