Patience shown by the Springboks and who else than Willie le Roux to score. South Africa came close a number of times but kept recycling. Gurthro Steenkamp straightened the line a few times and made some good yards
Le Roux looks to send out a kick pass but spots the gap and attacks it to go over. Wales were just too tired to catch him
If SA win it's very undeserved
Keep to the game I haven't got any access to the TV and depending on you to keep me updated
Ladies and gentlemen can we please just watch the game or wait for the commentary, not have ago at one another
Boks set a line out drive but fail, they recycle it and are 6m out
>sexism. just like it would be racism if one of us was a different colour...
bocks have been outdone haha about time tbh well done Wales wish I could of seen this game
Chill out!!!! Even if harsh comments makes you angry don't show it "don't bite"
I'm trying to enjoy a good game of rugby. I'm also trying to not get angry cause I sexist pig has make a joke about me like rugby and being a woman. Can I not just enjoy this beautiful game without sexist comments