See look you have your yellow can you please stop feeling hard done by now. And he was falling into the tackle, and really falling into the tackle haha. Can't wait to hear what you have to say now stephen
High tackle
Getting a shoulder to the chest is more dangerous than having someone swinging off your head? Really!
With 8 minutes left in the game the English lead by 22 points.
All I ask is for consistency. A shoulder charge is more dangerous than a player ducking into a waist high tackle.
England run straight as perkins get it out to Tomkins to score!
All penalised high tackles were correct in law
I didn't insult them, I said you're sore losers. Which is true. Been playing since I was 4, now 25 and have missed one season through injury and have my level 2 coaching.......next
Some of you clearly do not understand the laws of rugby and probably just recently started watching casually. The fact is...this tackle was NOT high at all!
Stephen you're making a fool of yourself now I'd just stop