Sale call a mark and send it high up to their 10m
Defensive performance
Sale Sharks - Exeter Chiefs
Tackles Made: 85 - 65
Tackles Missed: 22 - 23
Scrum penalty for Exeter, Simmonds kicks to the corner
Exeter send it right but a poor pass goes into touch
Sale Sharks - Exeter Chiefs
Passes: 67 - 82
Offloads: 8 - 4
Turnovers won: 1 - 3
Kicks from Hand: 19 - 20
Rucks Won: 47 - 50
Sale go through the hands but Whitten intercepts before being tracked down
Attacking performances:
Sale Sharks - Exeter Chiefs
Metres: 271 - 219
Defenders Beaten: 23 - 21
Clean Breaks: 9 - 3
Gain line carries: 22 - 29
Sale set up a lineout outside the 22m
Sake win a penalty as Exeter are caught holding on just past the halfway line
Less than 30 minutes left in this game:
Sale Sharks - Exeter Chiefs
Possession: 47% - 53%
Territory: 49% - 51%