Penalty converted.

Brive push deep into the Pau 22 and after a series of pick and drives, they win themselves a penalty.

Pau catch and drive but Brive turn it over and clear.

Pau kick deep into the Brive 22, but the Brive 15. Garmain cleans up and his kick goes to touch.

Brive win a penalty and kick deep into Pau 22. But Pau win the line out and then win the penalty as a Brive player goes off his feet into the scrum.

Snyman takes the arm of Julien Pierre in the air. Pau penalty from about thirty meters.

First introduction of the Brive scrum. The corrézien pack takes the ascendancy and gets a penalty for a first detected line.

Tries his luck from 53m out but misses. Scores remian 0-0

Hands in the ruck by Brive, penalty at the half way for Pau.

Julien Jacquot was sanctioned by Mr Trainini.