Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Webb goes to his forwards inside the Bulls 22m

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Moodie knocks the ball, Penalty Ospreys, they take it quick

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Anscombe secures and Collins spots a gap, Webb attempts to snipe but they are isolated

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Moodie gathers with ease, Burger goes short to his forwards, Burger kicks the ball

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Watkins makes a good carry, Webb puts in the kick

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
North runs the ball into contact, Morris continues the run

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Knock on, scrum Ospreys

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Kriel beats the first defender and the Bulls look to attack

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
Moodie and Grobbler takes up the ball

Ultimate Rugby
May 5
The restart is deep and North secures the ball, Webb plays in Anscombe who clears