Sunwolves are trying to hold and give but not doing it at the right time.
The ball goes loose, Kepu picks up and throws a lazy pass to Naiyaravoro, Noguchi tries to intercept but misses leaving a huge gap for the winger to attack. Taqele Naiyaravoro goes one on one against Nakamura and there was only going to be one winner there.
Tahs turnover the resulting scrum.
Great counter from Tahs as they nearly go coast to coast but Latu knocks on.
Penalty Sunwolves - ball is kicked into touch on the Tahs 22.
Tahs score in quick succession! Jed Holloway breaks and offloads to Phipps who runs in from halfway to score.
Fantastic offloading game from the Tahs as Folau attacks from deep, the ball then is flung out wide by beale to Taqele Naiyaravoro who offloads to Hanigan to score.
Tahs back on the attack.