Nothing in it as it was after the tackle he made and dropped in on Whitelock

Skelton involved again as he drops his shoulder in on Whitelock

TMO being called in for more foul play

Initially the referee wanted to give Skelton a card but TMo talked him out of it as he was running towards the ball when making contact

Problems for the Waratahs as they look for a number on a player taking someone out off the ball

McCaw scores his first try of the season as Nadolo crashes the ball up in the midfield and fumbles it backwards straight into his hands

Waratahs take into the 'in goal' area and don't get it out after a charge down. Crusaders 5m scrum

Great patience again shown by the Waratahs as Kepu straightens the attack. Phips with a mini snipe and quick hands out wide

Scrum penalty to the Waratahs

Slade was replaced just before half time and prompts a reshuffle moving Carter back to his preferred position at 10