Penalty to Montpellier. Brive go off their feet at the breakdown.
Knock on at the lineout as Mercer tries to clean up an over throw but can't hold onto it.
Clearance into touch
Turnover ball and Montpellier spread it wide before kicking. Brive in possession near their tryline.
Forward pass by Montpellier following the restart. Scrum to Brive inside the Montpellier 22. Mercer tried to offload but it was infact forward.
A nice move off the back of the maul as Maurouard breaks off and gets his arms free to complete the offload for Aprasidze to score.
Lineout to Montpellier in the Brive 22. They go to the drive.
Turnover ball. Kick through from Forusans. It goes into touch touch.
Brive go wide from the restart. Ball goes into touch off a MHR hand. Throw to Brive on halfway
He overcooks his first kick and Brive have the feed to the scrum on halfway