Turbos take the line out in Northland's half.
Turbos get the free kick at the scrum and attack.
Turbos knock on and Northalnd has a scrum in their own 22.
Northland tap their line out back but Turbos pick up a loose ball and make it to 5m's from the try line.
Turbos keep moving forward as they are meters from the try line but then they get penalised for holding the ball on the ground.
Turbo takes the kick off and make 20 meters as Black gets the ball and make another 10m's and they get stopped on the 22.
Turbos pass the ball down the right side of the field and Masirewa joins the line and breaks through to score!
Turbos attack from their line out and get a penalty at the ruck inside Northland half 10m's in.
North;and breaks through but knock on and then they are penalised for tackling the player without the ball.
Northland running strong into the Turbos half and keep on putting phases together.