Northland attack but Turbos counter.
Turbos start like a house on fire as they score three tries in the first 18 minutes and defend very well. Northland got a try in the end of the half and looked a bit better in the end.
Northland passes down the line to the left touch and Matiu takes the pass and burst through to score!
northland is meters from the try line.
northland takes the line out and attack into the 22.
Northland driven out on the left touch in Turbos half.
Northland attack from inside their own half with 2 minutes left in this half.
Turbos go over the try line but are penalised for a obstruction.
But it is ruled a knock on and a penalty to Turbos on the 22 and Turbos get a scrum penalty which they kick out in the corner.
Northland pass the ball out in touch on their own 22.