Sisaro Koyamaibole pinged for not releasing. Wisniewski makes no mistakes in from of goal.

Grenoble playing an open brand of rugby and with strong direct running they pierce the Brive defense and reach the Brive 5 meter but they knock on in attack so Brive with the put in 5 meters out.

Brive penalised for coming in the side. Grenoble find touch deep inside Brives' half.

Try Brive! A strong attack from Brive with strong running from Germain bringing them into the 22. Masilevu darts over from a sniping run from a pick and go. Germain converts.

Brive win a penalty at the scrum on Grenobles' 10 meter. A chance here for 3 points.

Brive not releasing in the tackle and Wisniewski opts for the posts 40 meters out.

The Grenoble scrum has looked noticeably improved from last week.

Henry Vanderglas spills forward in the tackle and Brive get the put in on their 22.

The home side turnover in their 22 and clear upfield.

Brive produce some good continuity in attack and they punch their way into the Grenoble 22.