Burns chips over but it goes dead. Irish attempt a quick restart.
Irish win a free kick and Yarde looks to clear. The kick isn't good and Gloucester have a good attacking line out on the 22.
Irish get the put in after Gloucester spill in attack.
A big push from Gloucester at the scrum. They get the penalty and Burns gets good field position.
Irish applying the pressure. They go wide with Yarde looking dangerous. He spills however and Gloucester now have the put in and a chance to clear their lines.
Gloucester attack from the restart. Irish don't release in the tackle and Gloucester now have the penalty. Burns opts for the posts. He makes it 25-17.
Irish work their way up the field. Gloucester open up defensively and it's Gerard Ellis goes over. Ian Humphreys's conversion comes off the upright.
A transformed Gloucester side go forward again and find themselves meters from the Irish line.
Gloucester get off to the perfect start. Tindall makes a break and finds Monahan in support. The big winger does well to hold off Marland Yarde and goes over in the corner.