Walker comes close but knocks on as he trys to ground the ball. Connacht 5 meter scrum.

Ospreys turn ver and kick into the Connacht 22. Henshaw has to run it out and Ospreys have the lineout.

5 minutes left in the half and Connacht have a scrum inside their own half.

Ospreys use the ball well and pin Connacht back into their 22 with a good kick.

Henshaw's kick gifts Ospreys possession and they are on the attack.

Connacht in possession now 50 meters from the Ospreys line.
Connacht step up!!!!

Too easy for Ospreys as they come straight back up the field from kick off. Webb spins it wide to Evans who releases Dirksen with a nice offload. Dirksen draws the fullback in and offloads to webb who crosses the Connacht line with ease.

Ospreys go one phase off the lineout before Webb hits John on a great line. John goes clean through the defence and touches down.

Bigger kicks from his own 22 into the Connacht 22. Great position here.