Gleave finds his jumper and Braley clears from his 22.
Blade goes blind and stabs a kick into the Gloucester 22 behind Thorley. Defensive lineout to Gloucester
Aki carries strongly into Gloucester's half. Carty is caught behind the advantage line. Gloucester pile into the breakdown and Ackermann almost wins it but he knocks it on, scrum to Connacht.
McKeon wins the lineout for Connacht. Blade gets it out to his pack.
Fitzgerald with a nice touch finder near Gloucester's 10m line.
Good defence on Banahan and Aki gets over the ball to win the penalty at the breakdown.
Evans to Craig as Gloucester go past 8 phases in the middle of the park.
Gloucester win their first lineout and Ludlow carries hard as Evans spreads it wide to Thorley early on.
Massive scrum from Gloucester as the pack shows early dominance. They win the penalty.
Strong defence and Gloucester hold up the maul and win the scrum. Great work from Freddie Clarke in particular.