Another surge from Irish leads them to another 7 points thanks to winger Fenby. Geraghty again successful with his conversion

Cavalieri are struggling against a powerful London Irish. It looks like its going to be long day for Cavalieri

Another forward orientated try for Irish with the extras added by Geraghty. 14-0

20 minutes in and its becoming difficult to distinguish the teams apart, each player caked in mud.

Cavalieri are coming into their stride. Using the mauls as an attacking platform but Irish are having no problem shutting them down

Kickable penalty for Cavalieri who opt to kick for touch. But to no avail and Irish are back on the attack

10 minutes in and Irish have it all to play for. Mistakes are cropping in due to the conditions but Irish have a strong foothold

Pressure from Irish playing through the phases in difficult conditions. The lineout is proving a formidable platform for Irish

A great start from the Exiles sees loosehead prop Matt Parr thundering over the line. Shane Geraghty is successful with his conversion attempt

Kickoff is underway in an overcast and muddy Stadio Enrico Chersoni