Try for Poirot. Nice back inside pass who finds that the pillar as left his spot. Poirot straight true. Nice kick from Nicolas Sanchez (3-10)
Kockott is punished with a yellow card for a deliberate foul in front of his line.
First a temped was wide for Rory Kockott, but no problem on the second one. (3-3)
First kick at goal go's to Bordeaux Begles. Kick is good for Nicolas Sanchez (0-3)
The circumstances are ideal here at Castres. It was sunny all day, even if the temperature is a little cool, this should not prevent the two teams putting the game plans together.
Good evening everyone. Would like to welcome everyone to tonight's game between Castres and Union Bordeaux Begles. Castres are sitting 4th in the table with Union Bordeaux Begles at 12th. Looking forward to a good game. Morro Ultimate Rugby Team.