Gerry C.
Apr 4
Is stringer injured?

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
From the KO Bath regather on the 22 before Henson throws a double skip to put Agulla clean through for his second try.

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
A poor pass from Henson bounces favourably to Rokoduguni who steps one defender before running in clear.

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Micky Young takes the quick tap off a penalty and creates a simple 2 on 1 for Abendanon
to run in.

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Bath's work at the breakdown is separating the sides.

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Brive are awarded a penalty just inside their half following a Bath infringement. Brive LO on the Bath 10

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Matt Banahan tearing through the Brive midfield and earns the penalty in front of the post.

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Henson performing well.
Will S.
Apr 4

Ultimate Rugby
Apr 4
Brive back in their 22.