Good man Henry !! Playing a great game
Wuhoo I think this is gonna be a very interesting game
Enjoy rugby for the rugby
Great try

Try Ireland

Ireland looking to respond and are 10 meters short. They win a penalty and Sexton kicks to the corner. They have a lineout 5 meters out as they look to get their first try of the game and go back in front.
The Irish tackling just isn't there, how do they expect to win if they don't tackle

super run from Sanchez who steps inside Marshall like he isn't even there before offloading to Montero with Sexton also missing the tackle. Poor try for Ireland to concede but on the basis of play in the last 10 minutes you cannot say Argentina do not deserve it. Sanchez adds the extra's and now Argentina lead 10-6.
Try Argentina. Henry Trimble and Sexton just three of the missed tackles:(. Not playing as a team. 6-1 bookies for Argentina looking like value now.
I used the abbreviation for Richard but obviously it's a bit too sensitive to call someone ****