If sexton is a 'mong' I would love to see you kick a conversion over
And by the way I'm surprised you have any mates! Irish or otherwise!
Paddy .. Hugs too u .....

Murray gets the ball to Zebo and he clears for Ireland but his kick doesn't go far and Argentina have the lineout on the 22.

Ireland turn the scrum and now they will the put in. The Irish pack have dominated the game so far.
No. Sexton is just a mong.
Clearly! Explain to me why the Irish can have a pop at everyone, but when we have temerity to respond it's considered childish and out of order!
ROG isn't there to be his Yoda

Argentina pile on the pressure once more. The ball is eventually held up and they will now have the scrum 10 meters from the Irish line. Pressure on Ireland now.
Are these kicks from particularly difficult angles or what!?