"But I don't like him".
The new Irish caps need more time with The defence handbook

Try Ireland

Argentina again go close but poor handling skill let them down again with De La Fuente losing the ball on the right win the try line ahead of him. Ireland survive for now
you are criticising someone you know nothing about, who has one of the finest professions anyone could ask for. "he should find a less high-profile job"
seriously, that point is quite invalid
He's as good as outhalfs come so he can take some heat from a douche with a stupid haircut
Agree Tom. Scully is being a tosspot
sexton is one of the best kickers in rugby right now..criticism is rather unfair
We are winning bro! U me and the rest of the fantastic irish peeps are smiling!

Argentina now going through the phases after another scintilliating run from Montero on the left wing.