Cronje pulls it wide from straight in front.

Penalty Kings on the 22m straight in front. They will go for the 3.

Free kick for the Kings as the Force scrums early.

The scrum goes down and teh referee resets it.

The Kings are clean through! But they are called back for a froward pass. First scrum ont he Force 10m.

The Kings gets us underway.

The teams are out, the Kings in grey and white and the Force in their traditional blue strip.

Good day and welcome to Ultimate Rugby's coverage of the last Super Rugby match of the weekend. You are joining us at the NIB Stadium in Perth for the clash between two bottom feeders. The Western Force are hosting the Southern Kings today in an afternoon clash and it is a mild 26°C or 78°F and the sun is shining brightly. Perfect rugby weather then for these two teams to both attempt to get their second win of this campaign and we can look forward to some excellent ball-in-hand action. Stay tuned with us for some live commentary and events as this match unfolds.
King will win this one comfortably.