Penalty to Falcona for not releasing. Flood kicks into touch.

Falcons get over the half way. Ball is given wide to Tait. Wasps defence holds and forces the Falcons to touch.

Wilson makes great yards from the base of the scrum. Wade runs accross the pitch and gives it to Le Roux who breaks to the 10 meter. Wasps finding the space out wide but the ball is knocked on.

Ref is talking to TMO and checking the last pass and a possible offside a few phases back. Try disallowed for a forward pass by Ashley Johnson. Falcons scrum on the 22.

Wasps go blind, Johnson in space and draws the man. Willie Le Roux runs into the corner.

Wasps attacking just over the halfway. Slow ball and a few loose passes. Johnson cleans up the play and Robson kicks to the corner. Line out 10 meters out.

Wasps win the penalty for Hammersley offside and off his feet in the ruck. Gopperth kicks to touch.

Wasps take control in the opening few minutes of the half.

Wasps going through the phases. Young sets a defender and offloads to James Haskell who crashes over the line.

Wade can't get on the outside. Wasps setting up lots of phases.10 meters out, Falcons defence is holding on.